
电话:13780479107 电子邮箱:lxw@mail.neuq.edu.cn
主编 《冶金电化学》 化学工业出版社 2016.03
[1] Xuanwen Liu, Renchao Wang, Zhiyuan Ni, Wanlin Zhou, Yuchen Du , Zhiqi Ye , Rui Guo*,Facile synthesis and selective adsorption properties of Sm2CuO4 for malachite green: Kinetics, thermodynamics and DFT studies, J. Alloy. Compd., 2018, 743:17-25
[2]Rui Guo, Junhua You, Fei Han, Chaoyang Li, Guiyuan Zheng, Weicheng Xiao, Xuanwen Liu*,Controlled synthesis, formation mechanism, and carbon oxidation properties of Ho2Cu2O5 Nano plates prepared with a coordination-complex method, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 396:1076–1084
[3]Xuanwen Liu, Junhua You, Renchao Wang, Zhiyuan Ni, Fei Han, Lei Jin, Zhiqi Ye, Zhao Fang,Rui Guo*,Synthesis and Absorption Properties of Hollow-spherical Dy2Cu2O5 via a Coordination Compound Method with [DyCu(3,4-pdc)2(OAc)(H2O)2]?10.5H2O Precursor, Sci. Rep-uk., 2017, 396: 1076-1084
[4]Liu Xuan-Wen,Qi Jian-Quan,Guo Rui*, Liu Fang-Chen, Liu Guang, Zhang Xiao-Lei,Zhang Yang,Synthesis and up/down conversion luminescence properties of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped La2TiO5 phosphor, Chinese Journal of inorganic chemistry,2016,32(1):49-55
[5]Xuan-Wen Liu, Rui Guo, He Liu, Ye-Qi Yu, Xi-Wei Qi, Jing-Yuan Xu and Cheng-Zhi Xie*. Two series of novel 3D potentially porous heterometallic Cu–Ln coordination frameworks assembled by 3,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid with different topologies and channels: syntheses, structures, luminescence and magnetic properties,RSC Advances,2015,5,15059
[6]Guo,Rui,Liu Feng,Zhong Bingwen,Liu,Xuanwen*,Zhang,Yuehong,Su Na,Xie Chengzhi,Synthesis, Structures, Properties and DFT Studies of Two Ni(II) Complexes with Pyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic Acid,Chinese Journal of inorganic chemistry,2014,30(7):1635-1640
[7]Wei Hu, Pai Shan, Tongqing Sun, Hongde Liu , Jianming Zhang , Xuanwen Liu ,Yongfa Kong , Jingjun Xu Preparation, nonlinear optical properties, and theoretical analysis of the non-centrosymmetric bismuth oxyfluoride, Bi7F11O5,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2016,658, 788-794
[8]YOU Jun hua, MA Li, QU Ying dong, LI Rong de, LIU Xuan wen,GUO Rui*,UC/DC luminescence of Ho3+ doped pyrochlore structured La2(1–x)Yb2xTiO5 phosphor synthesized by sol-gel method,JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS,2016,34(3):235-239
[9]Tongqing Sun, Pai Shan, Hong Chen, Xuanwen Liu, Hongde Liu, Shaolin Chen, Ya'an Cao, Yongfa Kongand Jingjun Xu,Growth and properties of a noncentro-symmetric polyphosphate CsLa(PO3)4 crystal with deep-ultraviolet transparency,CrystEngComm,2014, 16,10497
[10]Guo Rui, Qi Xi-Wei, Xie Cheng-Zhi,Zhong Bing-Wen,Liu Xuan-Wen,Zhang Yue-Hong,Su Na,Synthesis, Crystal Structure,Magnetic Property and DFT Study of a Novel 2D Polymer [Cu(pdc)(bpy)]·H2O,Chinese J. Struct. Chem,2014,33(2):270─276
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