
电子邮件:mazhenhe@163.com 或 mazhenhe@neuq.edu.cn
1991.09-1996.07 天津医科大学生物医学工程系 获本科学位
2009.09-2007.07 天津大学精仪学院生物医学工程专业学习 获硕士、博士学位
2005.11-2006.12 美国Oregon Health&Science 大学 交流访问学者
2007.07-2011.12 东北大学秦皇岛分校 讲师
1996.09-2000.07 河北省唐山市工人医院磁共振室 工程师
2007.07-至今 东北大学秦皇岛分校 副教授
2009.06-2010.07 美国Oregon Health&Science大学 博士后
1. 基于光学相干层析成像的高分辨率小鼠脑皮层血流成像及其量化参数研究
2015.01.01-2017.12.31 河北省自然科学基金 面上项目 6万元
2. 功能光学相干层析成像系统眼科应用研究
2013.01.01-2016.12.31 教育部中央高校基本业务费 重点项目 40万元
1. 基于光学相干层析成像的早期胚胎心脏血液动力学研究
2012.01.01~2015.12.31 国家项目国家自然科学基金 面上项目 55万元
2. 基于光谱光学相干层析成像的鸡胚心脏发育研究
2011.01.01~2012.12.31 教育部中央高校基本业务费 种子基金
3. 京哈公路连接线石河大桥健康监测数据采集管理系统
2014.06.01~2015.10.01 横向项目 20万元
[1] Ma, ZH(Ma, Zhenhe), et al, “In vivo assessment of wall strain in embryonic chick heart by spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, APPLIED OPTICS, 54(31):9253-7, 2015
[2] Ma Zhenhe, H14e Zhonghai et al., “Practical Approach for Dispersion Compensation in Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”, Optical Engineering, 51(6),063203,2012
[3] Wang, Yi, Zhenhe Ma, and R. Wang. "Mapping transverse velocity of particles in capillary vessels by time-varying laser speckle through perturbation analyses.", Optics Letters, 40.9, 2015
[4] Ma, Zhenhe, et al. "Measurement of wall shear stress in chick embryonic heart using optical coherence tomography", SPIE BiOS International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015:93340W-93340W-7, 2015
[5] Li, Z. G., and Z. H. Ma. "A New Approach for Filtering and Derivative Estimation of Noisy Signals", Circuits Systems & Signal Processing, 33.2:589-598, 2014
[6] Ma Zhenhe, Ruikang K Wang, Zhang Fan, Yao Jianquan, “Arbitrary three-phase shifting algorithm to achieve full range spectral optical coherence tomography”. Chinese Physics Letters Vol. 23, No.2: 366-369, 2006
[7] Ma Zhen-He, Ruikang K. Wang, Zhang Fan, Yao Jian-Quan, “Spectral optical coherence tomography using two-phase shifting method”, Chinese Physics Letters Vol. 22, No.8: 1909-1912, 2005 Ruikang K Wang, Zhenhe Ma, “Real-time flow imaging by removing texture pattern artifacts in spectral-domain optical Doppler tomography”. Optics Letters Vol.31, NO.20: 3001-3003, 2006
[8] ]Ruikang K Wang, Zhenhe Ma, and Sean J. Kirkpatrick, “Tissue Doppler Optical Coherence Elastography for Real Time Strain Rate and Strain Mapping of Soft Tissue”. Applied Physics Letters Vol.89, NO.14: 144103, 2006 Ruikang K Wang, Zhenhe Ma, “A practical approach to eliminate autocorrelation artefacts for volume-rate spectral domain optical coherence tomography”. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, Vol.51, NO.12: 3231-3239 2006